Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Easiest, but instructional programming language anyone ?

As I started to teach younger generation recently, I have been struggling in finding the easiest 3D programming language yet attractive. The language should be easy enough to be used as a tool to grasp physics idea. I am familiar with the C++ and Java programming language. But, those seem too complicated for my students. I do not intend to underestimate my students, but they are just using the language as a tool to understand physics. Also, I do not intend to use any proprietary software to ease them in using the computer economically. The I stumbled in VPython. Seeing it through
youtube, the script seems easy enough. The coordinate notation is easily seen to facilitate the students understanding vectors.

However, installing VPython in Linux (Fedora 13 to be exact) is another matter. I followed INSTALL.txt unsuccessfully. Fortunately, I found
install VPython in Fedora 13 . It works like magic. Thanks to the writer of the post.